This invariably happens to me. I go on vacation, and then the server goes down. It doesn't go down during the year. It's had an uptime of over a year! However, it's down and stayed down. So, if you've been trying to email me, I apologize, it won't get through. The same goes if you're wondering where went to, or why I'm not on jabber anymore. I'm trying to get it going again, but email will probably be down until I get back home. The eBook Repositories will definitely not be updating, so the Baen Books will slowly rot.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Saturday, June 07, 2008 and chmod/chown
How is it that I would go about chmodding the directories created by CopyPath?
It seems that if the .zip contains the permissions already, they are maintained when used by CopyPath.
In other words, if you have:
in your .zip, and do a CopyPath("foo", "~/foo") in the XML document, the permissions are set up correctly. At least I haven't had any problems if my installer looks like that.
However, if you create implicitly create directories by using CopyPath on the individual files, they are created without permissions, and a chmod/chown is needed. For example, CopyPath("foo/bar", "nuts/baz/bar") will create "nuts/baz", with no permissions.
I have to do this with the Gutenberg SciFi and Baen Books libraries, since I don't host the .zips themselves.
To manage the chmod/chown problem, the packages ensure that the BSD subsystem is installed (or Cydia), and then runs them as part of the install steps.
Here is an example:
<key>preflight</key> <array> <array> <string>IfNot</string> <array> <array> <string>InstalledPackage</string> <string>com.natetrue.iphone.iphone_binkit</string> </array> </array> <array> <array> <string>AbortOperation</string> <string>You must install the "BSD Subsystem" package from Installer first! It's in the System Category.</string> </array> </array> </array> </array>
Which checks for the BSD subsystem as part of the pre-install. If the BSD subsystem is not installed, the user gets a pop-up error message and the package will not install.
And then the install
<key>install</key> <array> <array> <string>CopyPath</string> <string>1013.txt</string> <string>~/Media/EBooks/The_First_Men_in_the_Moon/1013.txt</string> </array> <array> <string>If</string> <array> <array> <string>FirmwareVersionIs</string> <array> <string>1.1.3</string> <string>1.1.4</string> </array> </array> </array> <array> <array> <string>SetStatus</string> <string>Changing Permissions</string> </array> <array> <string>Exec</string> <string>/bin/chmod -R 755 /var/mobile/Media/EBooks</string> </array> <array> <string>Exec</string> <string>/usr/bin/chown -R mobile /var/mobile/Media/EBooks/.</string> </array> <array> <string>SetStatus</string> <string>Running GutenMark</string> </array> <array> <string>Exec</string> <string>/usr/bin/GutenMark --profile=en --no-toc --config=/etc/GutenMark.cfg /var/mobile/Media/EBooks/The_First_Men_in_the_Moon/1013.txt /var/mobile/Media/EBooks/The_First_Men_in_the_Moon/1013-h.htm</string> </array> <array> <string>SetStatus</string> <string>Running GutenSplit</string> </array> <array> <string>Exec</string> <string>/usr/bin/GutenSplit --no-toc /var/mobile/Media/EBooks/The_First_Men_in_the_Moon/1013-h.htm /var/mobile/Media/EBooks/The_First_Men_in_the_Moon/Chapter_</string> </array> </array> </array>
That's not the full install segment, but it should give you an idea. I have to separate 1.1.3/4 from earlier firmwares because they use different users and store files differently.
To help, I've created a little perl library that allows me to write packages without having to mess with the nasty XML. It's part of the iphoneebookrepo project over at google code. Specifically
In terms of the perl library, it ends up looking like this:
my $gutenberg_html_install = p_if(IsFirmwareVersion("1.1.3", "1.1.4"), SetStatus("Changing Permissions"). Exec("/bin/chmod -R 755 /var/mobile/Media/EBooks"). Exec("/usr/bin/chown -R mobile /var/mobile/Media/EBooks/."). SetStatus("Running GutenSplit"). Exec("/usr/bin/GutenSplit -1 -2 -3 -4 --no-toc --no-skip /var/mobile/Media/EBooks/$BookDir/${BookNumber}-h.htm /var/mobile/Media/EBooks/$BookDir/Chapter_") ). p_if(IsFirmwareVersion("1.0.0", "1.0.1", "1.0.2", "1.1.1", "1.1.2" ), SetStatus("Changing Permissions"). Exec("/bin/chmod -R 755 /var/root/Media/EBooks") . SetStatus("Running GutenSplit"). Exec("/usr/bin/GutenSplit -1 -2 -3 -4 --no-toc --no-skip /var/root/Media/EBooks/$BookDir/${BookNumber}-h.htm /var/root/Media/EBooks/$BookDir/Chapter_") ); my %BookDescriptor = ( bundleIdentifier => "ca.pollock.gutenberg.$BookNumber", name => $BookTitle, version => "1.0", location => $BookURL, category => "Gutenberg SciFi (" .$BookLang . ")", size => $BookSize, hash => $BookMD5, url => "", maintainer => "Jason Pollock", contact => '', description => "by $BookAuthor", install => $Book_install, preflight => $Book_preflight, postflight => "" , uninstall => $Book_uninstall, update => "" ); my $BookPLIST = CreatePackage(%BookDescriptor);
One "Gotcha" to be aware of... The Exec command is actually performing it's own parameter splitting prior to calling "Exec". It does not do any sort of "~" expansion, nor does it understand spaces. So, if you are doing a chmod on a directory with spaces in the name, it won't work, regardless of escapes or quotes.
Posted by
Jason Pollock
5:09 PM
Labels: AppTapp Installer,, iPhone